In attempt to keep this information all in one place, I'm making my first post a timeline of events so far:
Friday, August 28, 2009:
Submitted online application to the NEDC
Thursday, September 10, 2009:
Received information packet from NEDC with paperwork to complete, including testing and bloodwork for both my husband and I.
September 19, 2009:
Submitted application for homestudy renewal to Bethany Christian Services.
October 1, 2009:
Picked up packet of paperwork for homestudy renewal from Bethany.
December 9, 2009:
Met with our adoption coordinator at Bethany for our homestudy renewal visit! ($1200)
December 21, 2009:
Called the NEDC for an update to find we are currently 18th on the list and that their calendar is currently booked through March 2010. Everything else is on hold after that, waiting for the doctor to schedule his vacation.
January 4, 2010:
Called the patient coordinator at the NEDC to see if anything had changed. We're still #18 on the list.
January 25, 2010:
Received email from Bethany Christian Services in Tennessee, letting us know our family assessment has been received and approved. A letter has been sent to the NEDC stating this. We should be hearing from them within the next few weeks to schedule our consultation.
February 9, 2010:
Called to check in again with the NEDC's patient coordinator and learned we are #6 on the list! Dr. K's calendar is booked through May and June hasn't been opened up yet. We could possibly get our consultation appointment in late June/early July, then we would be scheduled for our transfer during next available period. Learned that transfer periods are every other month: Jan - Mar - May - Jul - Sept - Nov.
March 16, 2010:
Received a call from the NEDC to schedule our consultation/mock transfer appointment! We're set for May 17, 2010 -- a lot sooner than I expected! (Thanks, God!)
March 30, 2010:
Learned from the patient coordinator at the NEDC that the policy for Bethany's fees has changed. For anyone who signed an agreement with the NDEC after November 1, 2009, Bethany's $3000 fee applies, whether you choose an open or an anonymous adoption. Thankfully, this fee does not apply to us, as we signed our agreement in September 2009.
April 8, 2010:
If things had gone according to plan, my cycle was going to be perfectly lined up with where it needed to be for my mock transfer in May. I haven't had a period like this in over a year, but I went 37 days this time, which of course, threw everything off by a week. They started me on birth control (Reclipsen) and I'm supposed to take it until April 27, 2010. After that, my cycle should start within 5 days. When it does, I'm supposed to begin taking the Estrace.
April 20, 2010:
I think I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! A 12 day period? Seriously?! I've read that this is common when starting birth control, but I find it pretty annoying. If they need me to go back on bc after the mock transfer, I think I'll ask for a different kind. This stuff definitely did NOT agree with me -- nausea, extreme fatigue in the late afternoon/evening, severe "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" syndrome...that just doesn't work for a SAHM of a 2 year old!